I have a lot on the schedule today with Trinity's party coming up but I wanted to hop on and show what I all I got from the grocery store last week and what my meal plan looked like. I usually go to WalMart and Aldi each week and then Sams once or twice a month.
Click on the video below to see what all I purchased:
For dinners this week we had Tater Tot Casserole, Taco Soup, Crockpot Roast and Salmon Patties. We had left overs two nights and then were out of town the other.
My Taco Soup Recipe:
I will try to post my Tater Tot Casserole and Roast recipes soon!
Hope you all have a blessed day! Off to go run around like a crazy mom! LOL
This past weekend I had such a blessed time at my Grandma's house! RJ took Trinity to a FSU football game so the boys and I took off to spend the weekend with her. She had mentioned wanting to get her Christmas tree put up because she wasn't sure it would get done otherwise so ofcourse I jumped on the opportunity.
Trinity enjoying food in the Champions Club with Daddy.
Growing up, Christmas was magical at my Grandparent's house. My Papa would start decorating in October and the house was lit up in lights, figurines in the yard and Chipmunks music playing outside for the people passing by. If anyone asked where I lived, I just told them, "The house with all the Christmas lights."
It's hard to see this photo but this is only about half of what he did.
Ofcourse my Grandma cannot continue this tradition anymore (the church came out and did it for her two years after his passing) so it was nice to help bring some of the Christmas joy back into her house. She even gave us a few ornaments she made many years ago for us to enjoy at home. I will cherish them for many more years as I know my kids will as well.
I make it a point to help her clean and organize when I visit as well. This time I focused on her living room and was able to get the whole room dusted, touch spots wiped down, floor cleaned and her magazine rack cleaned out. Next time I will focus on another room to clean and hope to continue visiting once a month to help her out. Plus I enjoy spending time with her and we love watching Hallmark together. :)
I hope you all had a blessed weekend as well and made just as sweet memories with your family! God bless, Michelle
Hope you all had a blessed weekend! The boys and I went to visit my Grandmother over the weekend while RJ took Trinity to a FSU game. They seemed to have enjoyed a weekend together enjoying football and the boys and I enjoyed helping Grandma decorate for Christmas. I will post pictures from our trip tomorrow.
I wanted to hop on here and let everyone know Target has their Christmas decorations out in the dollar spot! I know most probably already know but I wanted to share with you what all they have in stock right now and what I ended up getting.
So many cute stocking stuffers, decor and DIYs! Love the dollar spot!
This is what I ended up getting the first day I went up there. They were not completly stocked up yet so I did go back the next day and got a few Christmas items for the kids. I forgot to snap a picture so if you would like to see what else I grabbed, watch the video down below. Hope you all have a blessed Monday and I talk to you later!!!
Hope everyone had a fun Halloween evening last night! My kids had a blast and it was so sweet going to the nursing home and seeing how the kids just light up the people's faces! We went to the mall afterward to trick or treat but after a few stops, we decided we had enough candy and decided to enjoy dinner at Chick-fil-a with Nana.
Earlier in the day, after going to the gym, I stopped by a local thrift store and racked up on some goodies. I found a good bit of Christmas stuff and got a few pieces of clothing for the kiddos. I believe I will have to start visiting the other thrift stores in my area!
The kids and I are looking forward to a fun filled evening after school today! We are planning on going to the nursing home to hopefully bring a little extra joy to the people up there, afterward (if it is not busy) we plan on going to the museum for their Halloween bash and then to the mall to get some goodies!
Here is a look into a little bit of fall fun that we had the other day. Chick-fil-a had their pumpkin party that the kids love taking part in and then the kiddos school had their fall festival that evening. Trinity loved seeing all her friends from school and getting painted up like a kitty cat again. Gabriel had to try about 20 times in the cake walk to get a prize but was determined to go home with some yummy goodies. And Asher of course had a blast jumping on the bouncy houses!
Hope you all have a fun day with your loved ones and again,
Good Morning everyone!!! I thought I would give you a look into my meal plan for the week and what I purchased at WalMart and Aldi. I spent around $95 at WalMart ($14 was for an outfit lol) and then around $20 at Aldi. Hope you all enjoy the video and have a blessed day! Love, Michelle