My big girl doing her mommy's shoes. 😊 She loves doing her chores on her chore chart!
My poor sick boy. Went for his 4 month checkup and he was running a fever of 101. He is a growing boy though...18% in length, 55% in weight (15lbs 13ozs), and 85% in head circumference.
Was a stressful trip down to the beach so the hubby and I enjoyed a nice evening in the hut tub while nana kept an eye on the kiddos. Came back up to the room to find Gabriel had climbed in the playpen with Asher. LOL Nana thought I had put him there! 😄
We had such a fun day but the highlight had to have been getting our caricature done! Love how it turned out!!
Our view this morning as we ate breakfast and got ready to leave the beach to head home. Stopped to do some shopping at the outlets and got Miss Trinity's lots of new clothes for BIG school.
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